Without emotions, there are no decisions
Decision making affects conversion
Conversion affects revenue

Copywriter - Webdesigner

Hi! I’m Patricia J. Mbuyamba.

I work with entrepreneurs who want to build more human brands that connect with their ideal clients on an emotional level. My clients are looking for someone who can help get their message across with compelling words. They are looking for an attractive and responsive design for their websites.

Does this sound like you?

The times have changed. 
The businesses that will survive are the businesses that will adapt.

If you’re looking for professionalism and reliability, I’d love to work with you, too! Helping people to reach their goals makes me so proud, and it drives everything I do. 

During my professional career, I had jobs in customer service including in the hotel industry, retail, and human resources where I would assist and solve people’s problems. I connect with people easily.

I studied Print Journalism because I wanted to create a magazine for African women. I never fulfilled that dream. Yet, this is in the same spirit that I write posts in my lifestyle blog patriciajulie.com


When I’m not creating beautiful websites and elaborating marketing campaigns, I can be found reading articles in Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Medium. I’m also passionate about computer technology. I don’t give up easily! I’m a straightforward perfectionist who will always put the best interests of your business first.  

If you’re dying to know more, here are 3 things most people don’t know about me:

  • I love to watch cycling races on television. The passion started when I was a teenager, and I even had a customized men’s bike.
  • I attended De Anza College in Cupertino (California), like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The latter was the keynote speaker at my graduation.
  • I was accepted at Howard University, but I decided to study at a different university. I missed the opportunity to meet Kamala Harris and Chadwick Boseman.
Disengagement is the #1 limiting factor of businesses. 

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, blogger, or else, I’m here to help you drive success to your business. I’m here to help you connect with your audience.

I will help you improve your online presence and get you where you need to be.

Want to learn more about how we can work together? Here’s your next move:

Email me for a free consultation. 

I hope we are a good match, and we can start working together.


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